Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Dear Madam Justice Brown

Damian Kettlewell
1370 Arbutus
Vancouver, BC
V6J 3W8

February 6, 2007

Att: The Honorable Madam Justice Brown
From: Damian Kettlewell
Re: Betty Krawczyk

Good day Madam Justice Brown.
I hope the New Year is treating you in good order.

I am writing to address the upcoming sentencing of Betty Krawczyk this Thursday February 8, 2007. I met Betty through my work with BC EcoEvents in the Elaho Valley in 1998. Betty played a leadership role in raising public awareness to ensure that the Elaho Valley was preserved for future generations. Without Betty it is likely that the ecologically significant Elaho Valley would be yet another barren valley.

I have been an environmental advocate for eleven years organizing fifteen EcoFests and most recently the Clean Air Auto Show. We also organized a Free Betty Ball in 2003 when Betty was imprisoned and raised funds and awareness for her court case. I have been driving a green house gas neutral waste vegetable oil car for almost three years as a means to reduce urban pollution and I chair a watershed stewardship NGO (www.rivershed.com)

As you are aware, contemporary mainstream media is dominated by scientific studies that advise us that we must drastically alter our lifestyles otherwise face drastic climate change realities. The move from environmental rhetoric to environmental action takes considerable time in our current electoral system. Betty Krawczyk is a beacon of hope for environmental activists who have been “walking the talk” and lobbying the public for change. Our fringe perspectives and policy suggestions have now moved to the mainstream and as you are aware, the environmental is the number one issue among Canadians.

Unfortunately, the onslaught of scientific and polling studies does not affect your interpretation of the law as it now stands. Madame Justice Brown, when you reflect on your summary statements and sentencing judgment with Betty Krawczyk please consider that Betty’s environmental views and actions currently represent those of a majority of Canadians. The pressures of modern life (i.e. debt, jobs, and families) restrict a majority of Canadians for voicing their opinions like Betty. Ms. Krawczyk is not an ideological 79-year-old grandmother but a visionary giant who will be revered among her Canadian contemporaries as one woman who could stand up and push the system to change.

I ask that you consider the “drive for change” among Canadians when you sentence Betty this Thursday February 8, 2007.

Compassionately yours,

Damian Kettlewell, Vancouver, BC

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