Monday, April 18, 2005

Meeting the worlds 2nd most senior Green ~ Jurgen Trittin, German Federal Environment Minister

Leadership Reflections ~
Time with Jurrgen Tritton

April 18, 2005

After the Senator Brown Dr Suzuki day of confluence, I felt the winds of sustainability at my back on the way to Germany. Leaving the election team in this critical time was extremely difficult but to convince Vancouver Point Grey that I am worthy of their vote I must provide compelling reasons that I can help implement Sustainability Within a Generation.

Meeting and interviewing leaders in renewable energy at the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Trade Exhibit in Hannover did not disappoint. The highlight of the week came on day 4 when I met with Jurgen Tritton, Germany’s Federal Environment Minister who is an elected Green. Trittin is an international champion for wind energy and is implementing the will of the German people by phasing out nuclear energy. Tritton was eager to tell me about his upcoming trip to Montreal to discuss the progress with the Kyoto Accord. Trittin asked a number of questions about the Green Party in BC and wished us luck in the upcoming election. We will be sure to continue this relationship with the German Greens.

Thus you have it. Meeting Senator Brown, David Suzuki, and Jurgen Trittin all within two weeks. These gentlemen are icons in the sustainability movement.

How realistic is it for a first time candidate for the Green Party to remove the Premier from his home riding? All in a days work when you’re surrounding yourself with iconic figures in sustainability.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Leadership learnings - candidate meets Green Senator, Green Environment Minister and Greatest Living Canadian (CBC TV, 2004)

My leadership studies have taught me a few things.

Identify leaders whom you respect and whom you can model

Infiltrate these leadership mentor circles, observe, be humble

Over the last ten days I have felt a certain confluence in my leadership learnings.

First off I was able to spend an evening and morning with Senator Bob Brown an elected Green in the Australian federal senate. Leaders participate with grassroot community groups and use these experiences as a catalyst for growth.

Senator Bob spoke like a great orator sharing his experiences from the front line in working to preserve the great old growth rainforests of Tasmania. Senator Bob left a stable career as a medical doctor to promote the benefits of preserving the great rainforests of Tasmania and the on told biological treasures that they contain. With a focus on ethical leadership through the years (Senator Bob was named the most inspirational politican by te BBC in 1996) Senator Bob was able to stand up to the most powerful man on the planet, President George Bush, and boo him for his Iraq foreign policy.

Leaders make time for everyone, as does Senator Bob, and empower those around them to propel their personal vision forward. Senator Bob transformed me and allowed a new passion seed to pollinate within me. I need these transformational experiences with senior leaders to truely beleive that I can beat the Liberal candidate in Vancouver Point Grey who happens to be the Premier.

In a unforseen set of circumstances I was able to meet Dr. David Suzuki for the first time on the same evening I met Senator Bob. Considering I have read many of his books (Good News for a Change, From Naked Ape to Super Species to name a few), watched his show (The Nature of Things), and seem him speak a half dozen times meeting Dr Suzuki was like meeting a guru of sorts. Not suprisingly he is mortal being but wise beyond our knowledge. Hearing him speak of the Haida in the Queen Charolettes was stunning.

And yet another transformational experience had recently in Germany in the meeting of the great Jurgen Tritton. More to come on this latter.

From Berlin and Vancouver bound,

is that to evolve ones leadership skills one must infiltrate the ranks of senior leaders and model them.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Damian challenges Gordon Campbell to debate at all candidate forum

Let it be know that I've challenged Gordon Campbell on April 2 to a debate at an all candidate meeting.

I spoke with Campbells's campaign manager ... Matt really you could have at least opened up the door ... I don't like talking through a door.

I know that Campbell has a busy schedule but the least he can do is attend an all candidate debates in his own riding. He's got the advantage now as I'm out of the riding for 10 days.

I'm keeping my schedule open for you, post April 19, Gordon.

With respect from the airport,

Activity Update

March 28 ~ 25 Greens converge on the Elephant Walk for Lower Mainland social, 6 candidates present, Andrea Reimer gives rousing talk, Andrea's theme: compared to 2001 we are positioned incredibly well to win seats

April 2 ~ Green Team knocks on doors for 6 hours battling Liberals for key sign locations, we're on your tail there Matt (GC campaign mgr), 30 person Green social in evening

April 3 ~ Raven Bowen displays excellent competency at Poverty Forum debate, Raven presents poverty solutions, Guaranteed Livable Income, no Liberals in site, enjoyed your life story Tim Stephenson (NDP) but where are your solutions?

April 4 ~ candidate reflects on being MLA in wilderness location, balance is critical , I need to remember what propelled me into politics

April 5
~ meet with Hydrogen and Fuel Cell mover and shaker in Vancouver,
~ meet with one of many political allies, The Green Party believes in the state regulation off marijuana and the state taxation on production and distribution ... the BC Liquor Board is one model to consider for marijuana public management
~now let me make this clear ... I'm running to promote renewable energy, tax shifting, the Genuine Progress Indicator and sustainability within a generation ... The Green Party believes in long term social change and change in our attitudes to marijuana is one aspect of that ... we believe the feds are moving in the right direction ...

April 6 ~ David Suzuki confirms that he will introduce Senator Bob Brown, video shoot for website, Royal Roads U re-union "nothing like being around high achieving friends" ... Andy mentioned that he had a nice lunch with Kevin Falcon ... There's a man with Ralph Kleen`s ear ... have to work on making Andy Green though

The highlight of my year ... meeting David Suzuki ... Inspirational speaking ... Suzuki never stops ... we have some work to do yet before he ever supports us ... too bad Suzuki will NEVER endorse a political party ...

April 8 ~ off to Germany ... more elected Greens await!

Gordon Campbell losing ground in Vancouver Point Grey

You would think that Gordon Campbell would be a 'shoe in' in his home riding.


The Greens are building momentum in this 2001 2nd place riding.

We just hosted Green Senator Bob Brown from Australia, with a David Suzuki providing a compelling introduction, and I'm off to Germany to meet elected Greens at the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Trade Fair .

A Green vote in Vancouver Point Grey is a vote for renewable energy, tax shifting, the Genuine Progress Indicator and sustainability within a generation.

A Liberal vote in Vancouver Point Grey is a vote for stopping the Kyoto Accord, lifting the offshore Oil and Gas Moretorium and unethical leadership.

A NDP vote in Vancouver Point Grey is a vote for a 3rd place party in this riding. It was nice to see the NDP candidate outside our Senator Bob Brown event. Maybe Carol James has asked him not to file his Elections BC papers.

From the airport,

Saturday, April 02, 2005

4 year study (1,300 researchers from 95 countries) concludes "Tax Shifting" and "Renewable Energy" green initiatives are critically needed

Have a breeze through this article pulled off the BBC website.
Another compelling reason to vote Green in Vancouver Point Grey.
Hope to knock on your door today. DK

Study highlights global decline
By Jonathan Amos BBC News science reporter

Millennium Goals, such as the halving of world poverty by 2015, are off targetThe most comprehensive survey ever into the state of the planet concludes that human activities threaten the Earth's ability to sustain future generations.
The report says the way society obtains its resources has caused irreversible changes that are degrading the natural processes that support life on Earth.
This will compromise efforts to address hunger, poverty and improve healthcare.
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) was drawn up by 1,300 researchers from 95 nations over four years.
This report is essentially an audit of nature's economy, and the audit shows we've driven most of the accounts into the red
Jonathan Lash, World Resources InstituteIt reports that humans have changed most ecosystems beyond recognition in a dramatically short space of time.
The way society has sourced its food, fresh water, timber, fibre and fuel over the past 50 years has seriously degraded the environment, the assessment concludes.
And the current state of affairs is likely to be a road block to the Millennium Development Goals agreed to by world leaders at the United Nations in 2000, it says.
"Any progress achieved in addressing the goals of poverty and hunger eradication, improved health, and environmental protection is unlikely to be sustained if most of the ecosystem 'services' on which humanity relies continue to be degraded," the report states.
"This report is essentially an audit of nature's economy, and the audit shows we've driven most of the accounts into the red," commented Jonathan Lash, the president of the World Resources Institute.
"If you drive the economy into the red, ultimately there are significant consequences for our capacity to achieve our dreams in terms of poverty reduction and prosperity."
Way forward
The MA is slightly different to all previous environmental reports in that it defines ecosystems in terms of the "services", or benefits, that people get from them - timber for building; clean air to breathe; fish for food; fibres to make clothes.
There will undoubtedly be gainsayers, as there are with the IPCC; but I put them in the same box as the flat-Earthers and the people who believe smoking doesn't cause cancer
Prof Sir John LawtonThe study finds the requirements of a burgeoning world population after WW II drove an unsustainable rush for these natural resources.
Although humanity has made considerable gains in the process - economies and food production have continued to grow - the way these successes have been achieved puts at risk global prosperity in the future.
"When we look at the drivers of change affecting ecosystems, we see that, across the board, the drivers are either staying steady or increasing in severity - habitat change, climate change, invasive species, overexploitation of resources; and pollution, such as nitrogen and phosphorus," said Dr William Reid, the director of the MA.
More land was converted to agriculture since 1945 than in the 18th and 19th Centuries combined. More than half of all the synthetic nitrogen fertilisers - first made in 1913 - ever used on the planet were deployed after 1985.
The MA authors say the pressure for resources has resulted in a substantial and largely irreversible loss in the diversity of life on Earth, with some 10-30% of the mammal, bird and amphibian species currently threatened with extinction.
The report says only four ecosystem services have been enhanced in the last 50 years: increases in crop, livestock and aquaculture production, and increased carbon sequestration for global climate regulation (which has come from new forests planted in the Northern Hemisphere).
Two services - fisheries and fresh water - are said now to be well beyond levels that can sustain current, much less future, demands.
Global value
The assessment runs to 2,500 pages and is intended to inform global policy initiatives. In many ways, it mirrors the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which, by bringing together hundreds of scientists in a peer-reviewed process, has driven efforts to slow global warming.
Humans have radically altered ecosystems in just 50 years
Changes have brought gains but at high ecosystem cost
Further unsustainable practices will threaten development goals
Workable solutions will require significant changes in policy"The MA is a very powerful consensus about the unsustainable trajectory that most of the world's ecosystems are now on."
"There will undoubtedly be gainsayers, as there are with the IPCC; but I put them in the same box as the flat-Earthers and the people who believe smoking doesn't cause cancer," said Professor Sir John Lawton, former chief executive of the UK's Natural Environment Research Council.
The report is not all doom and gloom. Modelling of future scenarios suggests human societies can ease the strains being put on nature, while continuing to use them to raise living standards.
At the heart of this assessment is a stark warning
Statement by MA board (1.47MB)
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But it requires, says the MA, changes in consumption patterns, better education, new technologies and higher prices for exploiting ecosystems.
Some of the solutions go to old but as yet unfulfilled initiatives, such as the abolition of production subsidies which imbalance world trade and in agriculture are blamed for overloading land with fertilisers and pesticides as farmers chase high yields.
Newer solutions centre on putting a value on "externalities" that are currently deemed to be "free" - airlines do not pay for the carbon dioxide they put into the atmosphere; and the price of food does not reflect the cost of cleaning waterways that have been polluted by run-off of agrochemicals from the land.
60% of world ecosystem services have been degraded
Of 24 evaluated ecosystems, 15 are being damaged
About 20% of corals were lost in just 20 years; 20% degraded
Nutrient pollution has led to eutrophication of waters and coastal dead zones
Species extinction is now 100-1,000 times above the normal background rateIn future, these areas could be constrained by markets that trade permits - as in Europe's newly established carbon emissions market.
Technology's role, the MA says, will be keenly felt in the field of renewable energies.
But the pace of change needs to quicken, the report warns. Angela Cropper, the co-chair of the MA assessment panel, added: "The range of current responses are not commensurate with the nature, the extent or the urgency of the situation that is at hand.
"In our scenarios, we see that with interventions that are strategic, targeted, and more fundamental in nature - we can realise some of the desired outcomes and they can have positive results for ecosystems, their services and human well-being."
The MA has cost some $20m to put together. It was funded by the Global Environment Facility, the United Nations Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the World Bank and others.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Gordon Campbell resigns

April 1, 2005

Gordon Campbell resigns to focus on retirement leisure and a Healthy B.C.

After 20+ years in the public service, Gordon Campbell resigns amid a throng of supporters at the Jericho Youth Hostel. Mr. Campbell points to his economic successes but states that they have come at an environmental and social cost. Mr. Campbell’s advisors state, “our Premier is looking forward to healthy living in his retirement. There are legions of new young leaders running in this election that can implement sustainability within a generation. The Premier is tired of not being able to attract our greatest ‘living’ Canadian, David Suzuki, to work directly with his government. David Suzuki is invited to meet with government heads around the world and it depressing that he will not partner with Gordon Campbell considering that they are neighbors in Vancouver Point Grey.”

Damian Kettlewell, Green Candidate for Vancouver Point Grey, attended the press conference to thank Mr. Campbell for his years of public service and wish Mr. Campbell the best in his retirement. Mr. Kettlewell did say that he would be happy to consult with Mr. Campbell on economic issues but that he would seek alternate advise on social, health and environmental policies.

At his last press conference as Premier and MLA for Vancouver Point Grey Gordon Campbell announces: tax credits for renewable energy (i.e. wind and tidal power, micro hydro, and biodiesel), the end of old growth logging by 2010 (this mimics the New Zealand plan currently in place), fires Richard Neufeld for continuing to lobby for the removal of the offshore oil & gas moratorium, announces that all fish farms must be in closed containment nets on land by 2006, the implementation of locally elected health boards, a 25% tax on lawn & house pesticides, a carbon tax to phase out polluting vehicles and industry and Mr. Campbell announces the reversal of his position of Kyoto and the full endorsement of the forthcoming federal policy plan to acheive Canada's Kyoto goals.

Mr Campbell drives away from his last press conference in his new Toyoto Prius.

Enjoy the April day folks;).

People ask why I decided to run for office. There are a number of reasons:

Reason for running #1

Our provincial fish farm policy, started by the NDP and propagated by the Liberals, is KILLING our wild salmon.
Executive Summary
A microscopic pest could cause big problems for British Columbia's salmon farming industry, a new study suggests.
In research published on Wednesday, biologists concluded sea lice populations are exploding off the province's coast, putting wild salmon stocks in jeopardy.

Reason for running #2

Check out “” if you value clean air, endangered species, clean water, and responsible stewardship of our natural environment then is a site for you. They had a lovely event last night. Liberals are still vacant and invisible.

Reason for running #3 Check out “A Green Tour of Kits Point”
We have had 20 media stories thus far.
If we are fortunate enough to attract 80 more media stories, we will win Vancouver Point Grey.

Reason for running #4

The Liberals seem to like our Healthy BC slogan … hmmm … Interesting to see our opponent at an event in the riding … hmmm … what is he promoting in our riding … could that be our Healthy BC message that Gordon Campbell.

They may be outspending us 40 to 1 BUT we are winning the street lobby.

This will be a wild weekend:
-knocking on a 1,000 doors
-speaking on poverty issues with Raven Bowen (Green candidate ~ Vancouver Mount Pleasant) on Sunday
-attending the community participation session on Saturday
-Green Senator Bob Brown is in the province!
-off to Germany next week to work at the worlds largest Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Trade Fair

BTW ~ watch out for us Greens in West Vancouver Garibaldi and in Vancouver North Island!