Monday, May 09, 2005

Community Outreach, Cambell 2.0, Making History

Greetings from the campaign trail. Apologies on the long absence. Please see our media and events page. We have been working hard to make history.

The Greens in Vancouver Point Grey are building voter coalitions and using an innovative communications strategy to engage with our competitors. What does that mean in plain language? Well, we are taking chances and looking for unlikely voting friends.

We need to double our vote total and are being outspent approximately 44 to 1 by the Liberals and 7 to 1 by the NDP. Thus, we are taking some calculated risks with a goal of drawing attention to our visionary Green Party Book and its policies. Residents in Vancouver Point Grey desire an MLA that is focused on sustainability, preventative health care, renewable energy, electoral reform and innovative economic policy. The Greens can deliver on these policy goals.

To put it on the table, I am multi-faith, pro choice and pro spousal benefits for same sex partners. Our community outreach efforts to the Christian community is an multi-faith based initiative that identifies cross over environmental values. We believe that reverence for environmental values crosses religious lines. Senator Bob Brown did point out that the Greens do have an element of natural spirituality in our personality. I will say as much at the Multiculturalism Debate tomorrow night at the Jewish Community Centre.

Now, you may have heard of our Campbell 2.0 launch. The demand for innovative political strategies in dealing with Gordon Campbell seems to be high considering that 12+ news outlets showed up on 3 hours notice. Gordon Campbell has not attended an all candidate’s debate since 1996 thus slighting the ideals of democracy and upsetting the electorate. Campbell 2.0 will return unless Gordon Campbell starts to engage with his constituents. Look forward to hearing about your response Mr. Campbell, Mr. Jiles and / or Mr. Brown.

The bottom line is that we simply want to debate Gordon Campbell and Mel Leehan.
Marty Brown is ensuring that Gordon Campbell remains the invisible man in Vancouver Point Grey. Gerry Scott and the NDP head quarters have been shielding Mel Leehan from debates. I missed engaging with Mr. Leehan in April at the UBC Law School Debate and two weeks ago at the Vancouver Real Estate Board Debate. Mel is a well know guy in Vancouver Point Grey. He certainly isn’t well know for his debate attendance record.

Well, all the door knocking, events and speeches are coming down to this final eight sleeps.With Adriane’s strong performance at the leaders debate the Greens in Vancouver Point Grey can feel the wind at our backs. Our campaign team can realize the Perfect Storm, obtain 10,500 votes and thus likely elect a Green MLA.

Why will it happen you say? The residents of Vancouver Point Grey desire an MLA that is grounded in ethics and blossoming with a vision for sustainability.

1 comment:

Green Politics in BC said...

The Invisible Man earned his title and failed to show ...

Really Gordon, we would have been respectful to you. Thanks for sending your number 2 ~ Mr. Hansen.

He's a nice man but I'd love to cement his feet in a classroom and teach him about the community benifits of triple bottom line accounting.

Looks like Gordon Campbell is paying attention to the sustainability crowd ... as he's requested a meeting with the BC Sustainable Energy Association considering they pulled out 400+ attendee's to their debate.